14th February 2018

Satire task 14/02/18

Dear electricity salesman,
I knew the second I heard you banging on my door, I simply could not resist you.
I love a man in an ill-fitting suit.
The way you were pressed up against my lock screen door, begging for a minute of my time, screamed sex appeal.
My face illuminates when I see you.
The confidence you held with me, while asking how much I pay for my power, is relentless and passionate.
Although I have told you time and time again that I do not need a new power provider, you still persist, because our romantic connection allows you to truly know what I want.
In my lounge room I have a shrine of the most romantic gifts I have ever received, the pamphlets you leave me.
I wish you would approach me everyday of the week, not just on Sundays when I am trying to sleep.
You light up my world.
Yours sincerely,


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